"Communication works for those who work at it.”


Sunday, April 18, 2010

13 weeks later...

Looking back at day I started asking around my friend’s for interesting modules to take and was recommended ES2007s. I recalled telling my friend, project and presentation should be fine. But to start a blog and to post a post every week?? That is a lot of work!

13 weeks on, I realized that I was so wrong. Writing that proposal is definitely the hardest thing and writing the blog the easiest and most enjoyable thing. I never thought there are so many components to be included in the proposal. I always thought it’s just going to be a straight forward format in which we will just need to follow. However, now I realized that I was so wrong. Wells, glad that I learned it now.

Looking back at my first blog post, I recalled myself spending a whole day, trying to think of something to write, re-reading and re-reading, not sure if that’s the right way to write. Only after reading the feedbacks, I had a sign of relief. Not long after, I find myself enjoying typing all these blog post.

I have always wanted to start a blog to record my thoughts. But I thought that doing up a blog is very troublesome hence I never bothered trying. Hence now that I tried blogging, I am very thankful for this opportunity given to me. Now, though the semester have comes to an end, I think, I will just continue blogging.

To be given so many opportunities to practice speaking, talking in front of the class, learning about proposal and to learn about so many interesting skills, I am very glad to have taken this module. I think that all of us have benefited a lot from this module. On top of that, to have such interesting classmates combined with a fun tutor teaching us all these, I guessed we are all very lucky.

Student A

Sunday, April 11, 2010

5 minutes of hell

After all those practices, it’s time for the real thing. As usual, I felt nervous. Counting down the slides, waiting for the dead sentence, “now I would like to invite my group-mate Andy up …” Omg, it’s my turn. However, in a flash, the approximate 5 minutes just fly past. I just felt myself saying blah blah blah and then it’s over. All those talking felt like seconds.

Wells, after the whole presentation, as usual, mixed feelings. I remembered telling myself, before and during, the presentation to slow down. Nevertheless, I tried but I still feel myself talking abit too fast. I remembered myself mispronouncing a few words too. The cue cards on my hands were just too tempting to look at. I feel myself having this urge to look at them every other second. Other than that, I guessed the delivery part was ok.

With regards to the preparations, I thought that our slides were decent, looks nice and simple. Straight to the point, not too wordy. We tried to think of a way of a memorable ending but there doesn’t seem to have any songs or a nice clip that’s related to conservation and communication. Hmm... So forget it,I guessed. We rehearsed about 4-5 times and every time, there seems to be something to change. But I felt all those rehearsals helps in getting me to know the whole presentation slides better.

I am just glad that there’s no glaring mistakes(I think, i hope) and that everything went by smoothly.

Thank god it’s all over!!!

Student A

P.S. Pls let me know my weakness and strength. After all i cant see/hear myself ! Thanks!